NVIDIA Shield Teardown Exposes Handheld Gaming Device's Delicate Guts
The 20-step teardown reveals that Shield is fairly easy to crack open. It's kind of like opening up a traditional gaming controller, only what you'll find inside is more complicated. Much more complicated, in fact, as it's crammed full of pieces and parts and circuit boards, and all kinds of things that would a make a rookie DIY repair dude shake in his boots.

One thing worth pointing out is the massive battery pack responsible for the handheld's "crazy-long battery life." The folks at iFixIt dug up a three-cell, 3.7V, 7350mAh rechargeable lithium-ion battery that's housed in each side of the controller connected by a small circuit board. Wedged in between the batteries are several other parts, including a brushless fan that's a "breeze to replace" in case it fails.
When all was said and done, iFixIt gave NVIDIA's Shield a rather average 6/10 Repairability score. On the plus side, iFixIt notes that the Shield's durable design will stand up to regular gaming, and the modular base means lower repair costs. At the same time, there's a "lot of room for improvement in repairabiilty" due to the complicated design, "stubborn adhesive" that makes display repair risky, and a battery placement that's difficult to get to.