NASA’s Webb Telescope Captures Stunning Images Of Saturn’s Spectacular Rings
JWST has been utilized to capture images of objects in space in different wavelengths and at a higher resolution than possible by any other telescope in space or on Earth. In one of the most recent images released from NASA, Webb delivers an image of Saturn where the planet itself appears very dark, due to methane gas absorbing most of the sunlight hitting the atmosphere. The icy rings, however, appear bright, highlighting three of the planet's moons that can be seen to the left of the ringed planet.
The scientists were given an Easter egg while searching for more potential moons orbiting around Saturn, as it also provided clear details within the planet's ring system, along with several of Saturn's moons - Dione, Enceladus, and Tethys. In deeper images not shared by NASA, the team will be able to delve deeper into a few of the planet's fainter rings, which include the G ring and the diffuse E ring, neither being visible in the shared image.
JWST is part of a long history of NASA space telescopes to observe Saturn's rings and atmosphere for many decades. NASA says the most recent observations by Webb of Saturn are only "a hint" at what it is capable of adding to the ringed planet's story.