Monster Discount On Pro Unity 3D Game Design & Animation Training In The HotHardware Shop
Got an awesome game idea? It's time to take the first step towards building it yourself. Starting with the absolute basics, this Game Design Course walks you through the powerful Unity 3D development platform so you can go from absolute beginner to experienced game developer in no time. By the end of the course, you'll have a strong foundation to excel in the lucrative game designing marketplace, and be ready to script games for iOS, Android, OS X, PC, and game consoles.
- Access 20 hours of instructor-led video & 75 in-depth sessions at any time
- ontrol onscreen behaviors w/ Unity 3D scripting principles including functions, variables, conditionals & inputs
- se light mapping techniques to improve 3D appearance & realism during game play
- mplement the Shuriken Particle System to create fire, smoke & muzzle flash effects within games
- Discover mipmaps, allowing you to render paths & topology to build realistic gaming scenarios
- Understand how to build 2D animations for cartoon-style gaming
- Learn advanced techniques to create action-packed games ready for deployment to multiple platforms