Mini Replica Portal Sentry Turret Ships in Q4 for $325

There's no such thing as a geek who has everything, but that doesn't always make it easy to shop for the geek who has most things. If you keep your eyes peeled, however, you'll find it's possible to score a gem every now and then. One example is the batch of retired World of Warcraft servers Blizzard auctioned off earlier this year, one of which we managed to snag (view our photo gallery tour). If you missed out, you'll have another chance to score a geeky item later this year when Gaming Heads kicks off its officially licensed Portal 2 statue line with a standard model Aperture Sentry Turret in mini replica form.

The Turret statue measures 16 inches tall, including the base and antenna, and has a motion sensor on the front that controls the light in the eye when you wave your hand in front of it. There's also a sound module installed that plays some familiar sound effects.

Sadly, geek toys don't always come cheap, and neither does this one, which will set you back $325. Even so, it's likely to sell out, as Gaming Heads says it's limiting the run to just 350 units. If you're interested, you can place your order now, with the understanding that it won't ship until the fourth quarter.