Microvision's PicoP Display Tech Used In Radical New FPS Demonstration

Well, well--we sure thought Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 was hot stuff, but frankly, it has nothing on this. Microvision, the company responsible for a PicoP-based pico projection technology, has just released a video of what we're calling its "killer app." Seriously--even if you have no interest in putting a projector in your pocket, it's tough to ignore just how awesome this demonstration is. Over in Canada, the company showed off its latest demo at the Intel Extreme Masters Tournament, where players in a first-person shooter could use a radically different control method to immerse themselves in the game. This, in our opinion, is the next big leap in gaming. We had the controller, then the Wiimote--now it's time to really get in there and get dirty.

Described as a "weapon-styled projection game controller they hold in their hands," this new product integrated a projection system into a handheld gaming controller, and as you move to react to the movements on the screen, the projection moves as well. It's a bit tough to explain in mere words, but the video below does a great job of explaining. There's no question that this method adds a whole 'nother notch of realism to the mix, but it's tough to say exactly how it will be applied in the future. No hard plans have been made (at least so far as the public knows), but we wouldn't doubt if Microvision has been on the phone with accessory makers trying to work up a commercial product. Press play and tell us that you wouldn't be into that!