Microsoft Presenter Faces Edge Browser Epic Fail During Azure Demo, Forced To Install Google Chrome
However, an incident involving a presenter during a Microsoft Ignite session had on egg on Microsoft's face instead of Google. The presenter was going through how to migrate your applications, databases and workloads to Microsoft Azure (the session, which was published to Microsoft's own YouTube channel back in late September, was only just recently noticed by easily-amused internet sleuths). Everything appeared to be going smoothly until about halfway through the presentation (around the 37 minute mark).
It was at this point that the presenter attempted to show how easy it is to migrate your data to Azure -- the main point of the presentation -- using Edge. However, instead of kindly obliging to the request, Edge continued to hang and failed to cooperate.
That left the presenter to joke, "I always love it when demos break." Defeated, he switches to a reliable backup. "So, while we're talking here, I'm gonna go install Chrome," after which he breaks into nervous laughter. The audience, no doubt amused by this turn of events, also broke into a low hum of laughter and applause as he was forced to go to Google's website and download Chrome during the middle of his presentation.
Rather humorously, the presenter unchecked the crash statistics box during the installation, stating, "We're going to not help make Google better". After taking some time to get Chrome setup and login to his Microsoft account, the demo is able to continue. And in case you were wondering, the demo went off without a hitch when using Google Chrome.
We have to hand it to the affable presenter for keeping his cool through the incident, although things probably could have gone a lot smoother if Chrome was already installed on the machine to quickly have a fallback in the case of demo fail. But given how much crap Microsoft has given Chrome over the years, it's no surprise that the company would rather stay far away from Google's tentacles.
Besides, it could have been worse...