Microsoft Might as Well Fess Up to Leaked Xbox 720 Details
Since that time, Covington & Burling LLP have sent takedown notices to several other portals, demanding that websites hosting the massive document either remove it altogether or disable access to it. On what grounds? Copyright infringement related to Microsoft's "IEB Roadmap," which is the company's Xbox division.
While some of the details may change between the time the document was first written (2010) and when the Xbox 720 ships (likely late 2013), Microsoft is essentially (and unintentionally) telling the world that the leaked presentation is legitimate, and then going about the impossible task of putting the cat back in the bag. In this day and age of the Internet, you don't get do-overs.
Rather than wage a losing war against the Internet, why not release a statement saying that while the roadmap is legit, it was an early draft and details are bound to change? Or confirm or debunk certain specific elements, like the inclusion of a Blu-ray drive? If Microsoft wanted to, it could even go all out and formally announce the Xbox 720, though it's understandable it would rather wait until a predetermined time for such a major event, especially as it tries to make at least one more holiday push for its existing Xbox 360 console.
There are a number of ways Microsoft could handle this; it just so happens that the current course of action is the least effective, and arguable the most counterproductive.