Mario Running In Unreal Engine 4 Is Disturbingly Satisfying And Awesome
Using the Unreal Engine 4, aryoksini created a 3D world in which you see Mario like you've never seen him before. Not that we haven't seen Mario in 3D before, just not as well rendered as this -- it's equal parts awesome and disturbing to see Nintendo's iconic character all grown up into a modern sprite.

"Here is Mario running in Unreal Engine 4, all the environment assets were taken from the Unreal marketplace, all the character actions were scripted using blueprints only, all animations were re-created from scratch as well as the PBR ready textures," aryoksini explains.
While that probably won't happen, it's reasonable to think that Mario will get a proper 3D makeover at some point, perhaps when Nintendo releases its next generation NX game console.