Alleged Leaked Photos Of Nintendo NX Console Controller Look Like The Real Deal According To Patent Filing
A user on reddit created a post titled "NX controller pictures," which contained a link to two photos of an oval shaped device on Imgur. Perhaps what's most surprising about the leaked photos, especially if they turn out to be legit, is that they're high quality shots. More often than not, these things tend to be taken in poor lighting with a shaky hand. This didn't go unnoticed on reddit, either.
"It's the first time in human history, a leaked image that wasn't taken with a potato of a camera. Cool stuff, I wanna see it in action!," MrJellyBeans wrote.

But we digress, this is about the supposed controller itself and not the quality of the photographs. As with Nintendo's patent filing, the photos clearly show two nubs, one on each end of the controller's face. And if you look closely at one of the pics, you can make out a top button on the left side. Presumably there's another on the right side, though the angle of the shots makes it impossible to see.

Assuming this is real, what you're likely seeing is the mobile version of the controller. That shiny top section is actually a touch panel display for gaming on the go. The ability to break away from the main console for mobile gaming is something that's been rumored, and the leaked photos seem to back that up. For gaming on the console itself, Nintendo's patent application shows additional components to the controller—essentially a pair of handles on both sides that are somewhat similar to an Xbox One controller.
Not a lot is known about the NX console. At one point, it was rumored the NX would run Google's Android OS, though a Nintendo spokesman quickly shot that down.