Intel and 50 Cent's SMS Audio Unveil BioSport Biometric Tracking Earbuds

Intel's engineering and design teams have been working with SMS Audio for the past seven months to build the SMS Audio BioSport In-Ear Headphones. The Santa Clara chip maker designed the layout and circuitry, took charge of the system integration, and wrote the firmware that powers the features, such as being able to draw power from a smartphone so that the earbuds don't need a dedicated battery.

[SMS Audio was] very open to us and our suggestions," said Indira Nega, an Intel engineer and head of the design team that conceived the BioSport earphones. "They are a headset company and they understand sound very well so they had a ton of feedback on how it should sound, how the acoustic chambers should be. From how the device should function, what the data should be or how many bits of data there should be, they followed our lead."