Hasbro's My3D Goggles Bring 3D To iPhone And iPod Touch
The hardware itself will be sold exclusively at Target starting this week, and seven My3D apps are already available to download. The viewer itself requires users to attach their iDevice to it in order to see the 3D effect, but again, we can't really see this being used heavily in public spaces. You'd just look too darn weird. For those who are interested in trying it within the confines of their own home, you'll need the viewer as well as an iPhone 3G, 3GS or iPhone 4, or a second, third, and fourth generation iPod touch.
Once an app is downloaded, users can immediately begin to immerse themselves in the 3D content and/or 360-degree environment. Worth $34.99 to put 3D on your iPhone? We're saying no, but it's hard to know what the public will say...