Google Rolls Out Prescription Google Glass Lenses With Geek-Chic Frames
There are several lightweight frames to choose from in the Titanium collection, including Bold, Split, Curve, and thin. All four are fashionable, and they look great (on all those impossibly attractive models, at least), so that slightly silly tech nerd look the original Google glass foists upon the wearer is diminished significantly.
There are also three twist-on sunglasses frames (Edge, Classic, and Active) that are a big step up, style-wise, from the simple twist-on shades that previously came with Glass.
The price tag for the sunnies are reportedly $150, and the other frames are $225. That’s a lot of cheddar for glasses, but we suppose it’s not that much more if you’ve already dropped $1,500 on Google Glass to begin with.
We don’t want to overstate the importance of the fashion element of these new frames, but giving glasses wearers an attractive option for spectacles that work with Google Glass is a marvelous improvement.