Here's How To Safely View The Ring Of Fire Annular Solar Eclipse

On October 14th, those in Oregon, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas can best view the annular solar eclipse -- dubbed the “ring of fire” -- though most across the United States will be able to catch some it. The eclipse is nicknamed the “ring of fire” for the slight amount of sun that will still be visible around the moon's edges, creating a ring. This is also what makes the eclipse partially dangerous, as it can still damage both your eyes and cameras.

If you are more of a visual and auditory learner, NSYNC’s Lance Bass explains this in the video below. However, NASA recommends that eclipse onlookers get special eye protection that meets the ISO 12312-2 standard. It is also noted that “Viewing any part of the bright Sun through a camera lens, binoculars, or a telescope without a special-purpose solar filter secured over the front of the optics will instantly cause severe eye injury.” This is actually quite frightening, but thankfully, there are some things you can buy to protect yourself.
Namely, there are several solar eclipse glasses you can snag on Amazon that, with Prime shipping, should make it to your door just in time for the eclipse if you order now. For example, these Helioclipse Solar Glasses are only $14.95 for a 6-pack and meet the ISO 12312-2 standard. As for our photographically inclined folks, there are also some sheets of solar filter available so you can make your own solar eclipse viewing contraption or lens filter for telescopes or cameras.
What’s great is that these solar viewers are not a one-and-done deal, as they will still be needed for the 2024 total solar eclipse, which will also cross the United States. Until then, get ready for the upcoming annular eclipse and keep your eyes safe.