Forget About Doom: Quake 2, 3 Up And Running on Motorola Droid
Perhaps a screen shot dropped on a phone render—but source code is available and functional.
That's quite a feat, considering the technological improvements that occurred between Doom's release (Dec 1993), Quake II (Dec 1997) and Quake III (Dec 1999). Doom ran acceptably on my 386 SX-16 and was blazing-fast on my best friend's 486 DX2/66. When Doom debuted, 3D acceleration wasn't even an option; by the time Quake III launched, it was a basic hardware requirement if you wanted to play the game. Memory and CPU requirements increased similarly, from a 386/8MB of RAM for Doom to a 90MHz CPU and 16MB for Quake II, and a 233MHz CPU and 64MB of RAM for Quake 3. Sure, the games are old, but the fact that they can be tuned to run on a mobile phone actually says a great deal about what sort of functionality we might see in future devices.
Hrm. That map looks familiar...
Here's a video demonstration of Quake 3 on the Motorola Droid. We don't have a video for Quake II, but both ports are running at playable framerates with 3D acceleration enabled.
Once Quake II and III are finished, how about a version of Civilization?