An Entire Canadian Town Is Being Extorted By Ransomware Cyber Criminals

Upon visiting the official web site of the town visitors are greeted with a large red box containing the following quote.
"The Town of St. Marys is currently investigating a cyber security incident that locked our internal server and encrypted our data. We are working closely with cyber security experts to investigate the source of the incident, restore our back up data, and assess impacts on our information, if any."

Screenshot of Notice Page for Town of St. Marys Web Site
Also according to the press release, the Town of St. Marys, despite its ransomware situation, has stated that all major city functions are still operating as normal, this includes transit and water treatment.
This is only the latest in a long line of organizations and municipalities that have been plagued by ransomware recently. According to a report in March of this year, IC3, the Internet Task Force branch of the FBI released a report that municipalities are being more frequently targeted and it is causing significant strain on resources. That same report also publishes some best practices to help try to prevent these types of security breaches and ransomware attacks. It may be a good idea for organizations and municipalities to read up, whether they're in the US or not.
According to the LockBit dark web site, it looks as though they are expecting a ransom payment, or else the town's data will be leaked, which may include data on the town's citizens. Hopefully the town is able to resolve the issue without too much fallout. St. Marys is a town of only 7,500 people, we can only hope their personal information remains safe. Citizens are encouraged to keep on eye on the Town of St. Marys Web Site, their Facebook Page, and its Twitter feed for more information and updates.