Diablo IV Vessel Of Hatred: Preload Times, New Rewards And Everything You Need To Know

If you are excited to play, the official release date is October 7th, 7PM EDT. You can pre-load in order to be prepared for the launch, on both PC and console. If you own the game through Battle.net, you can pre-load already as of September 30th. Consoles such as Xbox and PlayStation will be able to pre-load on October 5th at 7 PM EDT. You can also pre-download the expansion and Seasons content even if you have not yet purchased the Vessel Of Hatred product, but will need to buy in order to play.
Blizzard is a big fan of this franchise too, with reports that it has done very well financially with $1 Billion dollars coming in thanks to micro transactions. Of course, you can expect various flavors of the this expansion, such as Standard, Deluxe, and Ultimate editions. These will be $39.99, $59.99, and $89.99 respectively.
New regions have also been added, such as the Nahantu Region which loads of new monsters and dungeons to explore. There are even more rewards baked in, such as the Reins of the Longfur Beast if players complete the Dark Citadel between October 8th and November 8th. You can also earn a reward for streaming the game, called the Sea of Voices Weapon bundle.

Blizzard clearly wants players to not only purchase the expansion, but have significant playtime with the game. Many of these updates are designed for players to seek and complete as many objectives as possible, which keeps players engaged for what could be an eternity.
The original Diablo IV release had some teething server issues, so hopefully by the expansion release date everything will run smoothly on that front. You can gleam the full details of the expansion from Blizzard's news post, including other reward information.