Democratic Candidate’s World of Warcraft Hobby Deemed Politically Incorrect
Yes, I'm a gamer, and I do all kinds of unscrupulous things in alternate realities. Colleen Lachowicz, a Democratic candidate for state Senate in Maine is a gamer too, leading a "time-consuming double life" as an orc in World of Warcraft.
Colleen Lachowicz, AKA Santiaga, politician and level 85 orc assassination rogue.
"So I'm a level 68 orc rogue girl. That means I stab things...a lot. Who would have thought that a peace-lovin', social worker and democrat would enjoy that?!...," Lachowicz admitted in 2009.
Her confession is now being used against her by the state party, which has paid for and authorized a blog called Colleen's World designed to run Lachowicz out of politics. One of the reasons, besides the fact that politics is a dirty, mud-slinging business, is because "studies have found the average WoW gamer is 28, and spends 22.7 hours a week playing in Azeroth."
The blog highlights comments Lochowicz has made referring to her in-game persona. It points out how she loves stabbing and poisoning people, and being able to "kill stuff without going to jail."
So do I, and thankfully, I'm not running for office.