Crysis SP GeForce 8800 GT and SLI Peformance
Due to popular demand, we've gone ahead and updated our GeForce 8800 GT launch article with a full suite of Crysis benchmark numbers and even a few screen shots to dress it up a bit. The game engine alone with this upcoming release will live up to the hype that surrounds it. Word is Crysis has gone gold and will be on sale in stores 11/16. If you're one generation behind in graphics cards, now might be a good time to consider the new GeForce 8800 GT or if you can stand it, perhaps wait for its successor, which is rumored to hit some time in early '08.
From the article, as they say...
Crytek's Crysis in all it's glory...
Even with our image quality settings configured without Anti-Aliasing, Crysis serves up an absolutely punishing workload for any graphics card on the market today and certainly amongst the cards we tested here. We tested with game engine settings all set to "high" instead of "very high", which reduces some of the image post-processing effects workload, like motion blur and makes use of slightly less complex lighting and shadowing effects, just to name a few of the compromises. Regardless, the changes are hardly noticeable in action and as you can see, our graphics test-bed still had a bit of work to do keeping up.
Obviously, our pair of GeForce 8800 GTs in SLI outpaced the single Big-Daddy GeForce 8800 GTX card by about 10% in round numbers. A single GeForce 8800 GT was about 10 - 15% slower than a GeForce 8800 GTX but the GT ran complete circles around the AMD-ATI Radeon HD 2900 XT.