Cheating Husband Sues Apple For Accidentally Exposing His Infidelity

hero woman disgusted looking at computer
Apple has faced its share of lawsuits in the past, but a new one filed by a man in England may take the wedding cake. A cheating husband wants Apple to reimburse him the money he lost in his divorce because his wife found out about his cheating ways via the family’s iMac computer.

Cheating spouses have found some pretty unique ways of shifting blame for their nefarious acts to others throughout the years. But suing Apple for getting caught may be a first of its kind. The unnamed man claims that Apple does not make it clear enough that when a customer deletes an iMessage from an iPhone, that it is still viewable on other Apple devices, such as a family iMac.

iphone phone messaging app

In an interview, the man remarked, “If you are told a message is deleted, you are entitled to believe it is deleted.” He continued, “It’s all quite painful and quite raw still. It was a very brutal way of finding out [for my wife].”

The now divorced man doesn’t want Apple to pay just him, either. He wants any and all Apple customers who have experienced something similar to join him in his lawsuit. It will be interesting to see if any other cheating spouses who got caught in this manner will step forward.

In the interview with The Times, the middle-aged man confessed he turned to prostitutes in the final years of his marriage. He contacted them through the iMessage app on his iPhone, and would delete them immediately after, thinking he was safe from being caught. However, the messages were found by his wife later when she logged onto the family iMac and found messages dating back several years revealing her husband’s devious escapades.

So, just how much does the man want Apple to pay him? According to the lawsuit, he wants 5 million pounds (around $6.33 million in US currency), or the amount he lost in the divorce. He adds that if he had been able to “talk to her rationally,” instead of getting busted by his own messages, he believes he would still be married.

Simon Walton, a lawyer from law firm Rosenblatt that is representing the man, remarked, “Apple had not been clear with users as to what happens to messages they send and receive and, importantly, delete.”

It is hard to imagine a court will side with the man in this case, but stranger things have happened. The court could decide Apple has to add a warning label to all iMessages that reads, "Undeleted messages on other Apple devices may result in a divorce." Perhaps the immoral of this story is if someone is going to cheat on their spouse, make sure to delete messages in all locations it might be stored. Or, maybe, just don’t cheat to begin with.