Black Monday Is All Green

The holidays have never looked brighter for e-tailers, with a record breaking $14 billion dollars having changed hands since November 26th, also known as Cyber Monday.

Cyber Monday alone posted an impressive $733 million dollars, but the momentum doesn't seem to have slowed very much.

“Cyber Monday was followed by three consecutive days where spending topped $700 million each day, said comScore Chairman Gian Fulgoni in a statement.

"However, strong sales subsided toward the end of [that] week, eventually resulting in a 17 percent gain versus the corresponding time period last year -- in line with the growth rates we've experienced for the season to date," he said in the statement.”

We've said it before, and we're sure that this won't be the last time we'll say it: waiting in a line for an hour  is just one less hour that we could be pwning people in our favorite FPSes.  We won't even bother discussing how much we hate traffic jams.
Tags:  Green, black, gree, AC, K