AT&T Vacation Blackouts Foreshadow Sept. iPhone Launch
One example from earlier this year was the Verizon iPhone launch, before which Apple and Verizon were reported to be instituting a vacation blackout. The new report cites an email claiming to be from an AT&T employee which states:
"I'm an att employee and my boss just announced that vacation requests for the end of september will be denied due to an "event blackout". Historically the only time they've done this was for an iphone release. So we're looking at the last two weeks of september."
Naturally, all this has to be taken with a grain of salt. The timeframe, however, does coincide well with other reports and rumors. The rumors have been pointing to a September or October launch of the iPhone 4S or 5 around then.
As usual, the number of rumors increases to staggering proportions as an iPhone release nears, so we can be reassured by the near-daily deluge of info that it's coming soon. That's about the only thing we can be sure of.