We think J. Geils Band said it best, love stinks. You know the deal; you love her, but she loves him, and he loves somebody else... you just can't win. Well, our pals at AMD are there for us it appears. We're the sensitive type here at Team HH and when the
chips are down, apparently they've got our back. Like a trusty ol' Wingman, they were ready today with some sweets and note of encouragement. And hey now, perhaps a little hook-up with a cute little
Southern Belle they know of in the family, down deep in the heart of TX? Say no more! We're feeling a bit more chipper already!
High res available, for the steamy, naughty details...
Instead of love, perhaps we should be thinking of a more soulful connection, like... like Fusion perhaps? Time to dust off the Barry White CD and body butter. Happy Valentine's Day!