Amazon Prime Perks Expand With 20 Percent Off New Game Releases
This is a pretty big deal for gamers. Exclusive to Prime members, Amazon will shave 20 percent off new physical video game purchases during the pre-order phase and extending through two weeks after the title's release. Already have a game on pre-order? Fret not, Amazon's doing its Prime members a solid by automatically extending the discount to all of their existing pre-orders. That's deserving of a fist-bump.
So, what are the catches? There are some, though they're not that bad. For one, the discount only applies to physical copies, not digital downloads. Even so, Amazon promises release day delivery on pre-ordered titles as a free perk to Prime members, so while you might not be able to fire up a hotly anticipated game at midnight, you'll at least have it later that day.
The other caveat is that the discount doesn't apply to bundles. However, it does include Collector's Editions. To give an example, Dark Souls III: Collector's Edition costs $104 after the discount, down from $130, and includes the game itself, Prima Starter Guide, official soundtrack, official art book, cloth game map, and a 10-inch Red Knight statue.
Prime memberships run $99 per year after a free 30-day trial. If you're a student, Amazon cuts the price in half and offers a 6-month free trial. Using the Dark Souls III example above, you can see how it wouldn't take long for a Prime membership to pay for itself, and discounted games is just one of the many benefits.