94Fifty's Motion Sensor Basketball Critiques Your Game
Sensors inside the 94Fifty basketball keep track of the ball's movement, and using "sophisticated counting algorithms," it's able to instantly measure over 6,000 pieces of data per second. InfoMotion Sports Technologies refers to these proprietary measurement technologies as Point of Force," and the idea is to provide instant feedback to help you hone your game.
"One of the advantages of the point-of-force approach is that we measure muscle memory, which develops early and responds rapidly to practice. This allows consumers to engage and remain engaged with their own development because the results can be improved quickly with practice. A skill-based approach also gives us an almost unlimited number of ways for players to compete and engage with others," said Mike Crowley, CEO of InfoMotion Sports Technologies.
The consumer version of the 94Fifty will include a downloadable app available on Android and iOS devices. Using the app, basketball players have access to customized workouts, as well as the ability to measure shot arc, shot speed, backspin, dribble intensity, and several other skills.
Intrigued? Keep an eye on Kickstarter early next March. If all goes well, the 94Fifty will go on sale in the third quarter of this year for $295.