15,000 BlackBerry 10 Apps Submitted By Developers In Just Two Days
RIM is getting ready to launch its BlackBerry 10 operating system in about two weeks. In an effort to try to boost the new platform's app store, RIM held two Port-A-Thon events last week. One of the events was focused on BlackBerry while the other focused on Android developers.
RIM's vice president of develop relations, Alec Saunders, tweeted about the success of the two events, saying, "Well there you have it. 37.5 hours in, we hit 15,000 apps for this portathon. Feel like I've run a marathon. Thanks to all the devs!"
The Port-A-Thon events offered developers a number of incentives. For developers who ported one to five apps at the BlackBerry event, $100 was offered. The first ten developers who ported ten or more apps at the BlackBerry event received a paid trip to BlackBerry Jam in Europe, a Dev Alpha Device, and $100. Various other incentives were available as well. Each developer was limited to 20 apps. All of the apps that were ported at these events are expected to be available in BlackBerry World by January 21.
RIM is also running another promotion to entice developers. With its 10K commitment, RIM has guaranteed developers at least $10,000 each provided the app passes quality standards and makes $1,000 on its own.