PC Components, Peripherals And Gadget Reviews And News

Dig into our deep-dive product reviews and news of PC components from processors, to motherboards, graphics cards (GPUs), sound cards, and storage, along with other gadgets and peripherals that complete the computing experience. Whether you're a DIY PC enthusiast builder or just looking to read-up on what should be inside or connected to your next pre-built PC, here's where you'll find all the nuts and bolts sorted on what makes modern computer systems tick, as well some of the best user interface devices to go with them.

3/00 The Thermaltake Golden Orb Bright and Shiny Heavy-Metal Cooling High Performance CPU Cooling and Heat Sinks themselves, have literally become an art form over the past few years.  From wild water cooled rigs to simplistic brute force multi high speed fan set-ups, many inventions have been mothered by the overclocking community's... Read more...
  How do you properly cool a Pentium III ? The TennMax P3 TF Cooler These days most custom PC enthusiasts, tend to use some sort of third party Heat Sink and Fan combination for proper cooling of their CPU. Stock Heat Sink / Fans from Intel and other CPU vendors are usually only adequate for operation of the CPU within normal specs. Obviously,... Read more...
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