Streaming Entertainment Comprises Nearly 50 Percent of All Internet Traffic, Netflix Dominates
The U.S. gobbles up the lion’s share of that traffic, with 58.6% of all fixed access and 49.9% of all mobile access usage dedicated to streaming. In Europe the numbers are smaller--34.8% and 34.2%, respectively--and it’s right at 50% and 47.3% in Asia Pacific.
By far the biggest source of streaming is Netflix, which accounts for a full third of the U.S.’s fixed access downstream traffic. Of note is that 13.1% of fixed access streaming traffic belongs to YouTube, while on the mobile side, the numbers are much different: 28.03% of streaming traffic for YouTube compared to just 2.42% for Netflix.
Although most big-name video streaming services are mentioned in the same breath, there’s really no competition between them as it relates to the amount of traffic they generate. Netflix traffic is 18 times that of Amazon Video, 20 times that of Hulu, and 60 times that of HBO Go.
Sandvine expects Netflix to maintain its dominance in this area until at least 2015.