Items tagged with windows phone 7 series
While speaking at the Morgan Stanley Technology, Media, and Telecom Conference, Peter Klein, Microsoft's chief financial officer, revealed some interesting numbers about Windows 7, Xbox LIVE, and a few other Microsoft products. More specifically, Microsoft has sold 90 million copies of Windows 7 to date, making it the...
It's really stunning how fast Microsoft's Windows Mobile 6.5 rushed to the back of everyone's memory. It already feels like a pipe dream, and yet, it's still the latest mobile operating system available from the company. The fact is, many couldn't (and still can't) wait for Windows Mobile to be nothing more than history; over the past few...
Microsoft showed off its new mobile platform called Windows Phone 7 Series earlier this week. While the new mobile OS promises big changes in comparison to previous generations of Windows Mobile, one thing remains the same: Microsoft still intends to charge manufacturers to license the software. Whether or not this is a wise decision will...
Microsoft has been taking a beating over the past couple of years in the mobile market, with operating systems such as webOS, iPhone OS and Android really stealing the thunder that was once owned by Windows Mobile. Even Windows Mobile 6.5.3 was way behind those other next generation systems in many ways, and Microsoft...