Items tagged with transcription
WhatsApp just received a long overdue messaging transcript feature. Incidentally, Apple introduced a similar feature along with iOS 17 during last year’s Worldwide Developer’s Conference, so it's nice to see WhatsApp close the gap.
The company touts the new feature as coming in handy when on the move or in a loud...
“Anything you can do I can do better; I can do anything better than you.” That is likely Microsoft’s mantra, as its research wizards have reached a milestone in speech recognition, with a word error rate (WER) of just 5.9 percent. That figure itself is down from last month, when Microsoft’s speech recognition system...
Visual voicemail is a wonderful theory. The idea of being able to read our voicemails in text form is both convenient and awesome, though in practice, it's not usual to stare at a jumble of words trying to figure out if the caller was drunk or if it was simply a poor transcription. Even Google is not shy of...