Items tagged with speech recognition
Although you may not agree after getting off the phone with your bank, speech recognition technology really has come a long way in the past 20 years. There’s still plenty of room for improvement, however, and Microsoft has been working on technology that is making for some big changes in real-time speech recognition. Microsoft’s...
Is Skynet nearly upon us?A Japanese program has been created that finishes people's sentences, according to a report in New Scientist.A team from the National Instititute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology in Tsukuba developed it and they claim it's virgin territory. There have been plenty of speech recognition software programs...
Microsoft was demo'ing Speech Recognition technology that is currently built into Vista. As the old saying goes, "the best demo is no demo"... ouch. Dear Aunt, let's set so the double the killer delete select all....
Movies have always featured computers that perform actions based on user voice commands. Although voice interfaces are still not common place in homes today, for many years software has been available for speech recognition. Anandtech has posted an intresting article, discussing all aspects of speed recognition software currently...