Items tagged with patent troll
Patent trolls. We all love to hate these despicable companies that often don’t produce a single product, but use their vague patents to sue companies with deep pockets. When companies like Google, Microsoft, Apple, and Samsung aren’t in court suing each other into submission, patent trolls are nipping at their heels...
While Apple and Samsung carry a lot of baggage relating to their legal past and current competitive environment, they are also somewhat cordial when it comes to a manufacturer-supplier relationship. Samsung provides components for Apple products ranging from displays to NAND flash chips; the company also recently...
Boston University is a prestigous, research-oriented university that can claim a number of famous alumni. Unfortunately, one of the classes it's added in recent months is aimed at a demographic that's been under increasing fire in the United States -- the humble patent troll. BU sued Samsung in April, Amazon in June...
You rarely hear politicians talk about patent reform, but perhaps it's high time the topic merits some discussion. The alternative is to leave the system alone and let businesses pay the price, even if they can't afford it. According to researchers at Boston University School of Law, the cost for businesses paying royalties to patent owners...
Righthaven's dream of corporate enrichment via frivolous lawsuits is in tatters, and the company's erstwhile partners are abandoning ship. The new CEO of MediaNews Group, John Paton, announced this week that its partnership with Righthaven would expire at the end of the month and that the company has no plans to renew...
A recent complaint filed against Apple by the unknown company Operating System Solutions alleges that the company's method of fast-booting OS X violates a patent. At first glance, the lawsuit seems no different than other patent troll cases that litter the legal landscape--but there are a few oddities that hint at a...
Phone maker HTC is taking heat from investors over its decision to purchase S3 Graphics. Citigroup cut its rating on HTC citing corporate governance concerns. There's a definite connection between the two--S3 is partly owned by HTC Chairwoman Cher Wang, a fact that raises concerns over just how necessary the deal was. Normally, HTC might have...
The International Trade Commission has announced its findings in the NVIDIA/Rambus patent infringement lawsuit and it's not the sort of ruling Team Green would've preferred. The commission found NVIDIA to be in violation of three Rambus patents. The trade panel also granted an injunction Rambus had requested, which theoretically prevents NVIDIA...