After two decades of connecting people, Yahoo Messenger has just a few short weeks on this planet before it will be shut down for good. Parent company Oath announced today that Yahoo Messenger will officially kick the bucket on July 17th, 2018.
We should not that leading up to the July 17th execution date, you will...Read more...
"So long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, goodbye." Back in October, it was announced that AOL Instant Messenger (AIM) would be shutting down for good later this year. Well, that December 15th execution date has arrived, and it's time to say goodbye to what was once an extremely popular way for friends and families to...Read more...
Let's pour one out for one of the first instant messaging applications that many of us ever knew. As a freshman in college, AOL Instant Messenger (AIM) became a quick way for me to keep in contact with friends across campus, setup study groups or just chat for hours on end. And you couldn't walk down any dorm hall in...Read more...
Back in 2013, Yahoo's database was breached by hackers and it wasn't discovered or reported until 2016. When that reporting happened last year, Yahoo thought that detials on 1 billion of its user accounts had been stolen. As it turns out, things are much worse than Yahoo (now owned by Verizon and part of Oath)...Read more...
Once Verizon completes its acquisition of Yahoo and merges it with AOL, it will create a new "value" division called "Oath." Tim Armstrong, the longtime CEO of AOL, tweeted out the new name and it did not take long for the Internet to start mocking it. That is to be expected when snark seems to rule the web, though...Read more...