At long last, the new PlayStation 3 is a reality. At a press event today in Germany, Sony announced that it would be shipping a slimmer, sexier PS3 console at the beginning of next month, and while it wouldn't gain any functionality from the 80GB PS3 that we've come to know and love, it wouldn't lose anything either...Read more...
Well, not exactly. But a technology developed by British boffins to protect soldiers from chemical attack, called "ion-mask," has been released for civilian use to P2i in Oxfordshire, England. It's poised to become the method of choice for protecting electronic devices of all kinds from exposure to water. It doesn't rely on elaborate gaskets...Read more...
A fun e-mail just landed in the in-box that we thought some of you would like to see. It seems that some folks at Intel have gotten together and come up with a cool appreciation website and set of videos that will bring a tear (of laughter) to a seasoned sysadmin's eye. Did you know that July 27th is System Administrator Appreciation Day?...Read more...