Items tagged with lovefilm
Here in the U.S., the top dog in streaming video is Netflix, but over in the U.K., Amazon's LOVEFiLM service gives Netflix a run for its money. Competition is about to heat up, too, now that Amazon signed an exclusive multi-year digital agreement with NBCUniversal, which will provide LOVEFiLM members with streaming access to Universal Pictures...
Lovefilm sure is getting a lot of play these days. Basically, that's the UK version of Netflix, and just like Netflix is growing over in the States, Lovefilm is getting lots of traffic overseas. Companies are starting to take notice of that growth, and just as Netflix support slowly seeped into set-top boxes, game consoles and Blu-ray players...
Haven't heard of Lovefilm? If you live in North America (or anywhere outside of Europe, really), we wouldn't be surprised. But have you heard of Netflix? Essentially, Lovefilm is Netflix for Europe, and soon, Lovefilm will be a part of Amazon. It's likely that Netflix was simply too pricey for Amazon to pick up, but Lovefilm is another story....