As vast and widespread as the Internet is, the old adage "it's a small world" still seems to apply. It has had been widely reported that IP addresses are fast becoming a precious commodity, with IPV4 addresses completely allocated now and the future of Internet address identification and location reliant on IPV6 for...Read more...
Google's services outage today was apparently Google mucking with something on the backend, in a sort of "don't touch if it ain't broke" mistake. Admittedly, we're being snarky, as Google was working on something that definitely needs addressing, but it still made a major impact on systems around the world. It's the old "we are running out...Read more...
Samsung YH-820 MP3 Player Review @ Designtechnica: "Apple may be king of the MP3 player hill, but there are several companies hoping to dethrone the big red, and Samsung's in line. The new YH-820 micro HDD based MP3 player is not only smaller than the iPod mini, but it sports a bright color display, and...Read more...