Items tagged with Genius Bar
Yesterday, Samsung officially launched the Galaxy Note 9, which is its latest and greatest smartphone. Naturally, everyone is wanting to compare the Galaxy Note 9 to the iPhone X, which has been out for nearly a year at this point.
Now, Samsung is looking to take some additional shots at the iPhone X with a fresh...
Image Source: Flickr (Alper Çuğun)
Apple has a reputation of being a hip and trendy company, one that builds and markets popular mobile gadgets to the masses, young and old. But while Apple wants every person of every age to tout an iPhone in their pocket or purse and a Mac device at home, it's been accused on more...
In addition to launching new products like its forthcoming Apple Watch, the Cupertino outfit is also keeping busy by making changes on the service side of the equation. Specifically, Apple is getting ready to revamp its retail store Genius Bar experience with an initiative called "The new Concierge," a fancy sounding...
You don't become the world's most valuable company by accident, nor can the rabid demand for Apple devices be dismissed as the result of millions of people who simply don't know any better. At the same time, Apple's products aren't always the most technologically advanced. There are faster phones than the iPhone 4S...