Items tagged with Forrester
For some critics of Microsoft's latest OS, this should come as no surprise: IT departments are wary of adopting Windows 8. This information comes from a new Forrester report which sourced its results from interviewing nearly 10,000 IT employees. Interestingly, while IT managers themselves have little interest in...
Microsoft's Internet Explorer has a huge advantage in the browser wars because it ships with every copy of Windows, which is why the European Union forced the software maker to offer a so-called browser ballot on new Windows PCs. What's interesting, however, is that even though IE is usually the default option on most...
Lots of people believe that tablets will replace desktop and laptop computers in the not-so-distant future; count Frank Gillett of Forrester Research as one. But his vote counts for a little more because his job is to forecast tech trends. In a blog post, he ticks off the many advantages of tablets: they’re small and light (but not too...