The US Government’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) maintains a list of exploited vulnerabilities and releases notices urging organizations, particularly government agencies and contractors, to patch said vulnerabilities. However, CISA isn’t the only one looking out for US infrastructure. Ken...Read more...
FEMA and the National Weather Service are looking out for you. How so? They're joining up to launch the Wireless Emergency Alert System, which is described as a free SMS system that will text users connected to cell towers in areas that are being nailed with storms or other disasters. The idea here is to broadcast...Read more...
We're overstating the obvious here, but there is a reason why the face of so many vlogs is a pretty, young woman. You don't need an in-depth study of Social Technographics to figure it out either: This is an admittedly oversimplification, but simply put, Straight men want to be with her and women just want to be her. By catering to prurient...Read more...