Items tagged with feature phones
Smartphones like Apple's iPhone and Samsung's Galaxy handsets enjoy the lion's share of attention when it comes to cellular devices, but feature phones are not dead. They are cheaper to produce and purchase, making them ideally suited for emerging markets, though obviously they are not as robust as smartphones. To...
You can have our smartphone when you pry it from our cold, dead hands. Yes, we're well aware that some people feel the exact same way about feature phones, but for the first time ever, those of us who prefer a full-fledged smartphone finally outnumber our feature phone touting brethren, according to data released by International Data Corporation...
Google's always had a fetish for free or low-cost Internet access, and continuing that philosophy is a new service the sultan of search is experimenting with. It's called "Free Zone" and it's intended to offer users in emerging markets access to several online Google products, including Google Search, on their feature...