Energy efficiency and power consumption are major concerns for modern computing architectures, whether you're an Enthusiast, an IT Manager in a Data Center, or simply an ecologically minded individual. Let's face it, the modern high end computer is like a small space heater for all intents and purposes, and where there's...Read more...
We've been hard at work in the labs again here at HotHardware, putting AMD's latest installment of CPUs for the AM2 platform, through the wringer. This time the focus is on "Energy Efficient" processors, as AMD likes to call them. Here we have a look at the 65W EE Athlon 64 4600 running flat out at 100%...Read more...
Intel Boosts Energy Efficient Performance With First Dual-Core Low-Voltage Intel Xeon Processor HILLSBORO, Ore., March 14, 2006 – Intel Corporation is outfitting server, storage and telecommunications equipment makers with a new ingredient for squeezing more performance out of space– and power–constrained environments. It...Read more...