Items tagged with Election

Over the weekend, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) issued a warning that there have been deceptive videos in circulation "falsely claiming to be from the FBI relating to election security." Two misinformative videos pertaining to ballot fraud and Kamala Harris' husband have been called to light as false with... Read more...
In what is being billed as one of the largest data leaks recorded in the United States, an analytics firm contracted by the Republican National Committee (RNC) was found to have exposed the personal details and political biases of nearly 200 million Americans. According to Chris Vickery, a risk analyst for... Read more...
Today's Presidential election figures to be an extremely tight race between Barack Obama and Mitt Romney, and whoever wins -- Mitt Romney, according to AVAST Software's mega-poll -- will likely claim victory by a small margin. But will it be an honest election? We're not making a facetious statement about politics... Read more...
We wrote earlier that Facebook was going to allow site users to vote on its new Terms of Service. Well, the polls are now open, and users can start voiting. You probably remember the massive explosion that happened when Facebook modified its Terms of Service (ToS) such that it implied Facebook owned all your content, forever. They eventually... Read more...
Remember the CherryPal, cloud-based, thin client we reported about in July that was supposed to be available by the end of that month? The ship date obviously slipped a few months, but it looks like the CherryPal desktop is finally gearing up to make its real-world debut in only a few weeks from now. The CherryPal site announced that the CherryPal... Read more...
Hollywood has a very poor track record with this genre, but New Line Cinema has acquired the rights to produce a movie based on the wildly popular Gears of War game. Set on the planet Sera, the game thrusts players into a battle for survival between humans and a race of creatures that surface... Read more...