Items tagged with Dragon Age Inquisition
To say that BioWare has something to prove with Dragon Age: Inquisition is something of an understatement. The first Dragon Age: Origins was a colossal, sprawling, unabashed throwback to classic RPGs. Origins introduced gamers to the world of Thedas. As a newly-minted Grey Warden, players were tasked with stopping a deadly invasion of darkspawn...
The holiday season for video games has had a rough time. With games such as Assassin’s Creed: Unity getting poor reviews and Halo: The Master Chief Collection suffering from matchmaking issues, it’s not shaping up very well. However, Dragon Age: Inquisition, which hasn’t been released yet, is turning...
One of the ongoing questions around AMD's Mantle API is how much support it would garner in actual shipping titles. True, EA had committed to adding support to the Frostbite engine, but that's the kind of announcement that can be quietly swept under the rug or might be integrated into the engine but with a minimal...