Search Results For: xiaomi.aspx

A couple of weeks ago, reports hit the Web claiming that Chinese phone maker Xiaomi was sending user info back to home base. At the time, the company's head of global expansion, ex-Googler Hugo Barra, claimed that no such thing was going on. But late last week, Finnish security firm F-Secure posted proof to the Web... Read more...
In the western hemisphere, the name Xiaomi is not likely to ring many bells, but in China, the company has become an absolute powerhouse. It's interesting, then, to realize that the company's name is a little ironic. Broken down to Xiao and Mi, it directly translates from Mandarin as "small rice". With the company... Read more...
If there was any doubt that Chinese smartphone and tablet maker Xiaomi was the real deal, have a look at the company’s sales numbers for the first half of the year. Hugo Barra, who left Google and his position on the Android team last year to become Xiaomi Global’s Vice President, posted on Google+ that sales have exploded. “In... Read more...
Xiaomi announced a new, relatively inexpensive Android tablet yesterday called the MiPad, and NVIDIA has made sure to bang the drum for the new device as it has the company’s Tegra K1 SoC inside, and NVIDIA talked up Xiaomi as a company, too. “Fast. Xiaomi does everything fast,” wrote NVIDIA’s... Read more...
As if things weren't buzzing enough out in Berlin this week, the folks at NVIDIA continue the relentless barrage of announcements in the mobile arena, with a joint unveiling and some kudos by way of a design win for their new Tegra 4 SoC. Tegra 4 is destined for devices well beyond NVIDIA's own SHIELD gaming... Read more...