Search Results For: web.aspx
As the World Wide Web rounds the quarter-century mark, the Pew Research Internet Project conducted a survey on trends surrounding the Web, what it’s made possible, and what sort of adoption it enjoys. It’s perhaps no surprise that Internet use has skyrocketed among American adults since the mid-1990s; Pew has those numbers pegged...
With a show of hands, who here knew that the old-school search engine AltaVista still existed? Well, that looks like none of you - and I admit, I'm right there with you. Prior to the year 2000, our choice in Web services - heck, even software - was seriously limited. If you didn't use Internet Explorer, you probably used Netscape, and if you...
DDoSing a Web server has become the de facto way to exact revenge on someone, or some company. Not a week, or sometimes even a day, will go by when you can't read about some ongoing DDoS attack. We've seen them spawned by Internet goofs to professional criminals. DDoSing is easy, and it's effective. That's why it's so heavily-used....
As we covered just yesterday, a leaked build of Microsoft's upcoming Windows Blue (aka: Windows "8.1") is floating around the net "somewhere", and as it appears, there's quite a bit that has changed. No, we didn't get rid of the Start screen, but many further enhancements have been added, along with other niceties...