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Of all the rumors that swirled around Kaveri before the APU debuted last week, one of the more interesting bits was that AMD might debut GDDR5 as a desktop option. GDDR5 isn't bonded in sticks for easy motherboard socketing, and motherboard OEMs were unlikely to be interested in paying to solder 4-8GB of RAM directly... Read more...
Rumors continue to spill out into the Internet ahead of AMD's next-generation Kaveri launch regarding the CPU's overall performance, capabilities, and architecture. It appears AMD is upping the ante with this CPU in several ways, including a gaming bundle that will include Battlefield 4 with the highest-end A10 APUs... Read more...
Today at the Hot Chips Symposium, AMD's CTO Mark Papermaster is taking the wraps off AMD's upcoming CPU core, codenamed Steamroller. Steamroller is the third iteration of Sunnyvale's Bulldozer architecture and an extremely important part. Bulldozer, launched just over a year ago, was a major disappointment. The... Read more...