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There’s more than one way to skin a cat, and there’s more than one way to monetize your company’s products, especially when your product portfolio is as vast as Microsoft’s. To that end, Microsoft is reportedly experimenting with different ways to make money from its products and services that include offering its flagship...
Linux users have long been able to claim that their platform of choice is about as safe as an OS can get, but that sentiment is getting a little harder to side with thanks to the recent discovery of the 'Hand of Thief' trojan - it's a bad one, so listen up. Hand of Thief's goal is to lead you to financial ruin by...
There's no denying that at the moment, Microsoft is in a tough spot. Worse still, it's in a tough spot thanks to more than one product or platform. For now, the company seems to be recovering well enough from the Xbox One debacle from last month, but things are a little more questionable on the Windows side. While things could change in the...
When we posted our look at Windows 8.1 earlier this month, we covered a lot that was new to the OS, and admittedly, there was a lot more packed in than we originally anticipated. Despite that, we still managed to miss a couple of major DPI improvements that were added to the update, and for those sporting 4K...
At its Build conference set to begin on Wednesday, Microsoft is expected to unveil everything we want to know about its upcoming Windows 8.1 update while also trying to resell developers on what makes the OS so attractive. It should come as a surprise to no one that Windows 8's launch barely inspired a "meh" from the...
Today, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office has approved an Apple patent that enables the utilization of various phone sensors to automatically adjust the output volume and turn on the device's other speakers. Sensors used could include a front-facing infrared sensor (which is already available on most phones to turn...
For some critics of Microsoft's latest OS, this should come as no surprise: IT departments are wary of adopting Windows 8. This information comes from a new Forrester report which sourced its results from interviewing nearly 10,000 IT employees. Interestingly, while IT managers themselves have little interest in...
Foxconn's parent company Hon Hai has just joined the stable of other companies that have had to sign a patent deal with Microsoft in order to produce and sell Android-based smartphones. Despite the Android OS being a Google product, Microsoft has long convinced those who produce Android devices to pay royalties, as it believes that Google...
A wise man once said, "I pity the fool... who doesn't backup their data", and despite having just made that up, it's a piece of guidance that I stand behind 100%. Part of the reason I feel so strongly about backing-up important data is that on two occasions in the past, I have been foolish enough to lose data because I...
One of the coolest aspects of Linux is its ability to support hardware long before other OSes - and even well before consumers can even get their hands on the hardware. Take USB 3.0, for example, which hit the kernel months before the first products hit the market, in September of 2009. And then there's the SSD command TRIM, which was first...
When Canonical debuted its "Ubuntu Tablet OS" last week, company CEO Mark Shuttleworth helped show off its many features in a six-minute video. And what we saw at CES2013 first hand was impressive - an OS that tries to do things a bit different, and uses all four edges to make navigating the OS' different functions an...
The folks at Pwnie Express make some of the coolest penetration-testing products on the planet. Its most-popular offering has been the "Pwn Plug", an inconspicuous mini-PC that plugs into a wall socket and looks little different than a large power adapter. Then there's the "Power Pwn", a product sharing a similar idea, but offers additional...
Want or need to run Android 4.0 apps on your PC? Chinese start-up SocketeQ has got you covered with its just-released "WindowsAndroid" - perhaps not the most creative name out there, but it's fitting. Given what it's capable of, WindowsAndroid directly competes with BlueStacks, however it goes a step further. What...
Sony's attempts to prevent piracy on both the PS3 and PSP have taken a number of blows in recent weeks. Today, the company announced that it intends to sue the PS3 hacker GeoHot, who's been an increasingly large thorn in the company's side over the past 18 months. When Sony released the 3.21 firmware update that broke Other OS functionality,...