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Today, AMD is launching a pair of power-optimized server parts based on what it calls the "Warsaw" refresh. These chips are still Piledriver-based, but AMD claims that the new core offers an optimal performance per watt solution for virtualization without breaking the corporate bank account. "With the continued move... Read more...
Of all the rumors that swirled around Kaveri before the APU debuted last week, one of the more interesting bits was that AMD might debut GDDR5 as a desktop option. GDDR5 isn't bonded in sticks for easy motherboard socketing, and motherboard OEMs were unlikely to be interested in paying to solder 4-8GB of RAM directly... Read more...
AMD's launching a new chip tonight, but it's probably not one you'll soon find in a consumer machine. Instead, the workstation-focused Opteron line is gaining a new member with the X-Series family. It's said to be the industry's highest performance small-core x86 server chip, and they'll go by the codename Kyoto. AMD says they're the highest... Read more...
Nearly two years ago, Facebook launched the Open Compute Project. The initiative was intended to rethink all aspects of data server design, including cooling, racks, and server configuration. The coalition has gathered steam and support from a number of companies; AMD announced its own Open 3.0 Platform at today's OCP... Read more...
AMD's new Piledriver-based Opterons are launching today, completing a product refresh that the company began last spring with its Trinity APUs. The new 12 & 16-core Piledriver parts are debuting as the Opteron 6300 series. Originally, AMD had planned to add still more cores with this refresh and had anticipated a line of 10 and 20-core... Read more...
We can’t quite spill the beans in regard to AMD’s upcoming Bulldozer-based desktop processors, codenamed Zambezi (yet), but the company made an announcement today that bodes well for those of you waiting to get your hands on AMD’s next-gen CPU architecture. In a short and to-the-point press release... Read more...
As a consumer, you may think the entire computer universe revolves around you. It's a "me, me, me" world, so why not? In truth, consumer sales make up just a fraction of the earnings from major silicon makers like AMD, Intel and HP, and chips like the Opteron maintain their importance despite not being marketed... Read more...
AMD's upcoming Bulldozer processor has been an increasingly hot topic as its launch date creeps nearer, but the company has kept a great deal of information under wraps. That's now beginning to change; AMD plans to discuss Bulldozer more in-depth at the ISSCC conference currently underway. According to AMD Fellow Tim Fischer, Bulldozer was... Read more...
AMD is celebrating Valentine's Day this year with a new series of Opteron processors that improve overall performance and reduce power consumption. At the high end, AMD's new highest-end 6180 SE 2.8GHz 12-core CPU is a 105W ACP (Average Power Consumption). Up until now, the 6176 SE at 2.3GHz / 105W ACP had been AMD's highest-end processor.... Read more...