Search Results For: lightsquared.aspx
The end looks nigh for LightSquared. The company that intended to hook up with Sprint for 15 years (or more) in order to redefine the 4G landscape in the United States is on the brink of disaster, and according to a Wall Street Journal report, the cards could fold as early as tomorrow. Reportedly, Philip Falcone's...
Not really surprising, but things aren't looking so good for LightSquared. The company has been fighting for what feels like ages to get their wholesale LTE network approved despite staunch opposition from naysayers who contend that the network will interfere with GPS usage, and they've seemingly been losing more and...
It's the story that just won't end. Just when you thought LightSquared may have given up the game, nope -- here's another punch to the mid-section. LightSquared has just issues a scathing new release that points fingers at testing equipment and again assures the public that their network wouldn't screw with any GPS...