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Apple may have found a new way to force you to tell the truth about how well youve taken care of your iPhone or iPod. A recent patent filed by the company describes a customer abuse detection system that will allow technicians to tell if youve been too hard on Apple devices. Instances of abuse could include things such as immersing the device... Read more...
It's somewhat hard to believe, but Sony's iconic and downright legendary Walkman turned 30 this year. Three decades ago, Sony's craftsmanship propelled a bulky, one-trick audio player onto the portable scene, sparking a revolution that continues today. But 30 years after its introduction, the original Walkman has little revlence in the world... Read more...
If you knew that giving up one of your precious electronics would help save the Earth, would you?Don't lie - a new survey claims fewer than half of Americans would give up their iPods. Specifically, only 42 percent would be willing to, according to the study, conducted by The Shelton Group.And Apple-haters shouldn't get too smug. iPod owners... Read more...
Rich Morin, co-author of an interesting new study in the world of consumer electronics, probably said it best when he concluded that there is "nothing like hard times to focus the minds of the public on what they need and dont need." The aforementioned study polled one thousand Americans via landline and cellphone in early April regarding... Read more...
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