Search Results For: https.aspx
One of the necessary evils of website ownership is understanding at least a little bit about search engine optimization - SEO for short. Poor practices could make your site fall into the virtual abyss, while good practices can have the opposite effect: Search engines could begin favoring you. While no one outside of...
After taking heavy fire in a California court from plaintiffs who contend its Gmail data mining practices within Google Apps for Education are illegal, Google is changing its practices so that it’s not possible to scan those users’ emails for advertising purposes. Further, “We’ve permanently removed the “enable/disable”...
Security researcher Carlos Reventlov discovered a vulnerability in Instagram version 3.1.2 on the iPhone 4 (iOS 6) that leaves users’ Instagram accounts open to attacks. Specifically, users are at risk for partial eavesdropping and man-in-the-middle attacks that a ne’er-do-well could use to delete photos or even take over a user’s...